Congratulations on getting things off the ground!

This phase is exciting because you see the pieces coming together. The difficulty in this stage is getting others to see the value of your products. It can be really frustrating to create a valuable product and then have no one or very little people see the vision you see. Many people stay months or even years in this phase. Good for you for getting to a place where you do not have to stay here any longer. Let's fix that!

Take a Step Back

Sometimes we get very attached to our idea and product. We try to re-work it over and over and re-launch it. Continual launches with no sales means there is a problem with the product, the messaging or your sales plan. Continuing to try and re-work it or rebrand is only going to keep you stuck. Re-branding over and over erodes trust in your clients. You need to be heading in the right direction for your calling and your life. Let's get your some help!

Get Real Support

Being in a phase of no sales can feel isolating. You don't want to seem unsure of yourself or that you don't have a good product so even in networking spaces it can feel awkward to be truthful about how it's really going. What you need is to find a community where you can be totally honest about your business health and your own mental state. This is not easy growing a business. Don't go alone. Being alone (or worse in groups where you can't be real) is a very vulnerable place to be.

Refine Your Sales

Most of the time people are stalled in selling their products it is a two part problem. There is usually some degree of money mindset you need to to overcome as well as funnel building skills. People don't buy things from you just because you post them on Instagram. They buy them because you have clearly and patiently demonstrated you are an expert and have consistently shown up in a way that makes them believe you are their solution. Sales is a process you must learn.


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