The Mastermind

This program will change you and your business beyond recognition.

The Daring Daughters Mastermind will put you in a position of power in your business, life, and with God.

This is our guarantee.

Spiritual Mentorship + Business Foundation + Team to Implement + Community of believers = The Daring Daughters Mastermind

Determining the next place to invest can be overwhelming, scary and worrisome that you will once again "waste" your money. We know this because we have been there. We do not take this lightly that you may be feeling this way and we are here to change that.

Let me ask you

Do you struggle with these?

Lack of confidence in you or your business model

Loneliness and lack of faith based, business minded friends in your life

Generating consistent revenue and eyeballs on your content

Capacity to get it all done or business overtaking your life

Our Method

Our signature method has a proven track record of 100% SUCCESS rate for growth in business. Every single one of our prior mastermind members has walked away with confidence, boldness and systems in place.

We follow a distinct path with mapped out documentation along the way to keep you on track.

Hear from Some of our Past Members

Note: Our Mastermind was called "Chayil" last year. We changed the name because it was hard to pronounce.

The word is Hebrew and found in Proverbs 31:10

"A woman of noble character who can find. She is worth more than rubies."


It means wealth, wisdom and warrior.

Sound like what your soul and business craves?

Yeah, us too.

But first... Is this for you?

(It's okay if it's not)

If we're going to be working closely together and I’m going to be your mentor, your guide, and your coach, my SOLE INTENTION is to call out the powerful business owner in you and call you HIGHER and have a completely new life and business.

1. We are looking for female business owners who believe they should be wealthy, successful women — and who will use that money to make a positive impact.

2. We are looking for down-to-earth business owners who aren’t afraid of becoming brave, trying new methods and also love the idea of slowing down to speed up, who love to travel and explore.

3. We are looking for givers — women who are willing to share what’s working in their business so we can all grow.

4. We are looking for women who have a kingdom mindset. In some way, shape or form, you must help solve a problem in the marketplace.

We are NOT looking for:

1. People who aren't ready to surrender their business to God. Letting go of control is a critical part of receiving new perspectives.

2. People who like to stay stuck or who are unwilling to take our suggestions and try them.

3. People who believe there is a "secret" to success. There’s no secret. It’s just a lot of proven business strategies, implemented well with Holy Spirit fire behind it.

Meet Your Mentors

Wins from our members:

I sent 3 offer letters to interns today that will be the PERFECT fit for our businesses! Thank you so much for your dedication and support, this is going to allow me to reach more people and continue on the assignment God has placed for my life. I am SO grateful for you and this program!


Thank you so much for this program. I've never had a program that had so much action in it. It's not just "hey here is what to do", you actually get in there and HELP us do it! We are on target to hit multiple six figures this year.


I am not the same leader I was in May when I launched the summer internship. I feel more confident and have all my systems in place to run another internship.


I have to share some good news with you. I surpassed my booking from last year already and it's mid year!


The Investment

Subject to Change

First, what's included...

-Unlimited 1:1 video calls with Gretchen for strategy, accountability and hands on help ($12,000 Value)

-Bi-Monthly phone call with Pastor Leah for mindset, working through blocks and spiritual growth ($1,800 Value)

-Weekly group calls for staying in action and supporting one another ($1,200 value)

-Master Resell Rights Course: Learn And Earn Profits Online on how to start a digital product store ($497 value)

-Hands on Support for your tech (we do it on calls together) ($3,000 value)

-Discount on annual retreat ($300 value)

-Profit and Loss Tracking Templates ($200 value)

-Spending Plan with Income Goal Tracking and hands on bookkeeping help ($6,000 value)

-Launch Planning with Social Media Calendar ($97 value)

12 spots remaining for 2025

Early Bird

Paid In Full


On 12/1 price goes to $11,111.

Your card is charged at check out for the full amount.

Early Bird

Payment Plan


On 12/1 price goes to $1,111 month.

Payments begin when you sign up and go for 12 consecutive monthly payments.