You are in the idea phase!

This phase is full of dreaming of ideas and imagining a different life for yourself and those you serve. It also comes with a lot of exhaustion that is caused by not knowing what to do first or next. I have been in this phase for everyone of my start up journeys. The right support is critical for success.

See the Vision

Mindset, hormones, spiritual attacks and daily time in the Word create a world where some days you feel invincible and some days you feel like quitting. I get. I have been there and I know that a vision is a great starting place and getting the vision right can mean all the difference in having to go back to square one and start from scratch (been there)!

Make a Battle Plan

Usually in this phase people try to go right to making a product. The problem with that method is you need to understand who you are selling to and what their problems are before you can create a solution. You must start with a backwards plan. Start with the problem you want to solve and then work backwards to the cause of the problem and then who has that problem.

Get Wise Counsel

The #1 mistake I see the Daring Daughters make is they don't surround themselves with support and wise counsel. They try run solo. They waste hours, weeks, months, years trying o figure something out. Or worse, they invest thousands to receive advice contrary to the Bible. Who you invest in to help you needs to be someone who understands the Holy Spirit and the walk of a believer. How we do business is different.

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